Monday, June 26th, 2017

The national debate over healthcare continues anew this Monday morning. With Republicans pushing for a vote on the newly unveiled bill, that puts a very limited window for citizens to research and understand the proposed legislation. However, it is a Biblical principle to seek understanding for yourself, and not just rely on the opinions of others. In Proverbs, Solomon writes "the simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge." Solomon was someone who chose his words very carefully. To be prudent, is to "act with or show care and thought for the future." Just as God wants us to block out the noise in our lives to focus on Him, so He also wants us to seek His word on the important subjects in our lives. This week, rather than rely on the news media for your opinion on healthcare, seek the Lord's.


"The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge." -- Proverbs 14:18 ESV