Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

Headlines trumpet and pundits eagerly await the testimony of Jared Kushner, Donald Trump, Jr, and Paul Manafort this week as to their roles in meetings with Russians during the 2016 election. While an honest investigation to verify the security of our elections and to root out any potential wrongdoing is not a bad thing, in such a politicized environment as today, we must meet with reasonable skepticism any claim without hard evidence. Political power thrives when emotion overrides principle. In such cases, mob mentality overtakes our sense of community. In short, we fall victim to the “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” trap. In a time when being a devout Christian is not in step with popular culture, the easy response is to walk across the street – separating ourselves from the world. However, we Christians are the hands and feet of Jesus, and as such, stand for truth and justice. We stand firm when others are tipped by winds of change. Those winds of change often blow hardest on politicians, who to cling to their power, are easily swayed by which crowd is the loudest. For instance, look to Mark 15, when Pontius Pilate, the politician, doesn’t necessarily think that Jesus is guilty of what the mob is accusing. However, in verse 15 it says, “So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the mob, released Barabbas for them, and after scourging Jesus handed Him over for crucifixion.” Are the crucifixion trial of Jesus and the Congressional hearings of Trump associates parallel? Of course not. But Pontius Pilate’s acquiescence to the mob convicted an innocent man, and the same can happen again if mob rule overcomes truth. As those empowered by Jesus to be the light of the world, we must stand firm in our convictions and seek unbiased, even uncomfortable, truth. To do that, we must be engaged with our communities, reserving of judgement until evidence is presented, and impartial to purely political conjecture. After all, are we saved by the grace of a political party or by the blood of Jesus? Pray today for the courage to stand firm for Jesus.


“So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the mob, released Barabbas for them, and after scourging Jesus handed Him over for crucifixion.” – Mark 15:15 ESV