Friday, July 28th, 2017

Happy #ElevatedFriday! In California this week, two 8 year old boys made headlines because of their friendship and a simple, but powerful, gift one gave to the other. Paul and Kamden have been friends have been best friends since kindergarten, doing everything together. Tragically, Kamden developed a large tumor on his spine, and although doctors removed it, Kamden has been a paraplegic ever since. Though Kamden is confined to a wheelchair, it has never changed the young boys’ friendship. However, Kamden has struggled with his bulky wheelchair, and his family not been able to afford the lighter, more easily maneuverable version due to insurance constraints. Rather than just feel sorry for Kamden, Paul leapt into action, setting up a GoFundMe page that has amassed almost $5,500 – more than was necessary for the new wheelchair!

What is so powerful, and yet simple, about this story is that Paul did not just feel sorry for his friend, or wait for someone more qualified (i.e. an adult) to come to his friend’s aid – he acted. The Apostle James directly addresses the Christian value of serving and devoting our time and efforts to good works. Though we know that Heaven is not granted to us through good works alone, James clearly states the role that serving needs to play in our lives. Following Christ does not compel us to serve – quite the contrary, by grace we are given a gift and by faith we are able to share it. With the ability to organize a community never easier than today, there are countless ways to make a difference just like Paul did for his friend Kamden. Pray today that the next time you find yourself feeling sorry for someone’s circumstance, the Holy Spirit will convict you to deliver aid, regardless if you feel qualified to do so.

"But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” – James 2:18 ESV

Pictured: Paul and Kamden

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