#ElevatedFriday, October 27th, 2017

Happy #ElevatedFriday! Today we take a look at a story of kindness and community coming from Plymouth, Minnesota. Harvey Djerf, a 95-year-old WWII veteran and retired biology teacher loves to walk. In fact, he has walked the same mile through his neighborhood twice a day for nearly 65 years. As he is advancing further in his life, that mile loop has grown a little more difficult to complete in recent years. However, his community loves him. To aid him in his passion, neighbors throughout the loop have chairs set out in their front yards for Harvey to sit in during his walks to catch his breath. As an added blessing, Harvey's neighbors always enjoy greeting and chatting with him while he rests in their chair. It is a simple gesture, but is the type of thing that caring communities do regularly.

In the Bible, Paul calls on the Romans to "welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." All are welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven. So, to create Heaven on earth, we must welcome all to the table. Today, seek out those who may have been pushed to the fringes of your workplace, neighborhood, family, or other groups, and welcome them as Jesus welcomed you.

"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God." -- Romans 15:7 ESV

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