Monday, October 30th, 2017

Yesterday on Fox News, Pastor Mike Sherrard of Crosspoint Community Church outside of Atlanta spoke with the anchors about a growing trend in millennials--atheism and agnosticism. According to a new Pew Research Poll, 34% of millennials currently consider themselves to be either atheist or agnostic, a trend that has been growing at an alarming rate. Addressing this, Pastor Mike made the point that as atheism grows, the moral undergirding of our society erodes because without a fervent and widespread belief in a higher power, the only truth is earthly power. With earthly power comes the propensity to fabricate your own truths -- a quality displayed by errant politicians and other power-hungry people for generations. Pastor Mike argued that the main cause of this rise in atheism in the younger generations is not because they have "evolved" past the need for religion (as some would say); it is because the redemptive truth of Jesus has not been communicated to them effectively and they have not seen how wonderful life can be when lived faithfully for Christ. Jesus has a way to reach each and every one of these disillusioned youth and it starts with we who follow Him daily. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, and that means we are the parts of His Church that must do the heavy lifting and long distance walking. Today, pray for the conviction to walk firmly with Jesus, showing all around you how a life lived for Christ is a life lived well.

"All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it." -- 1 Corinthians 12:26 NLT