#ElevatedFriday, February 16th, 2018

In the wake of Wednesday's tragedy in Parkland, FL, this Elevated Friday is meant to celebrate the lives of the heroes who acted with bravery and love to protect others from the shooter. Aaron Feis, one of the high school’s football coaches, is one who has received rightful praise for his role during the attack. Feis gave his life shielding his students from gunfire. A man referred to by many as a tough but lovable “teddy bear”, Aaron Feis had already left an impact on many of the students he had coached over the years. This past Wednesday, he left an impact on all of us after we learned of his incredible act of bravery and love.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus declares “There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.” Our nation is blessed to have a military and veterans who are ready and willing to do just that to protect us. Our nation is also incredibly blessed to have good people like Aaron Feis, who in the midst of chaos and fear, instinctively chose to protect others over himself. This is the kind of love Jesus teaches us and that he personally exemplified. A Jesus-kind-of-love chooses others over self in the face of fear. Today, pray for healing for all those affected by the shooting in Parkland, FL and pray for the courage to live out a Jesus-kind-of-love.

“There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.” – John 15:13 NLT

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