Thursday, May 24th, 2018

There is much talk today about how this President’s administration will bring the end of our country, or out of the mouths of a few, the world. Those who say such things seem to have lost hope in a better future. Not only this, but it seems they believe that one man could bring about the end of God’s wonderful creation! No matter what political party we support, such is the consequence of placing our hope in anything other than God – when it fails, we are lost. Hope isn't just a thing that exists in the air that we can breathe in and breathe out. However, we all have access to it, and to certain degrees can make it part of our life. But in order for hope to take hold in our lives, we must place it somewhere, or attach it to something. That choice of where to place our faith is one of the least talked about but most consequential decisions of our lives. In Matthew, it says, “In his name the nations will put their hope.” Today, make the decision to place your faith in Jesus and let all things in your life flow from this change.

“In his name the nations will put their hope.” – Matthew 12:21 ESV