#ElevatedFriday, June 15th, 2018

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight a story that shows the power of what we can do if we prioritize others over ourselves during our lifetime. Genevieve Via Cava, a life long special education teacher from New Jersey, retired after a long career in 2011. Upon retiring, she told her superintendent that one day she would give $1 million dollars to her students. He laughed it off at the time, but this year, following her passing, he received notice of a $1 million gift to the school from her estate. Via Cava was a child of the Great Depression, and lived a life of frugality. She scrimped and saved her whole life and was able to put away $1 million dollars! Upon her death, she left it to the school as a scholarship fund for special education students seeking post-high-school education. With that $1 million in the fund, the scholarships will be paid from the interest it generates, so this scholarship will forever be available to deserving special education students. Via Cava, by her life of frugality and saving, showed her true priority in life—helping special education students to find success in life.

Money is a powerful thing. It can help so many, provide opportunities and aid, and allow us to support our families and friends. However, it can also enslave us when we place it at the center of our life. Money also has a way of showing the world our priorities, as how we spend (or save) it often shows exactly what we value the most. In Matthew, Jesus says, “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” Would you be proud of your bank transactions if you were to show them to God at the pearly gates? God doesn’t care about how much you have, He cares about how you steward it. Today, consider how you can better prioritize God with your money and make the change in faith.

“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.” — Matthew 6:24

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