Elevated Friday, September 28th, 2018

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight the story of a man who, in striving to help others, actually ended up helping the man who saved his own life 18 years before. In the wake of Hurricane Florence, Bill Ford and his neighbors of Amelia County, VA were trapped due to floodwaters demolishing the road that led to their neighborhood. Normally, the cost to fix the road would have exceeded $10,000 but due to the volunteer efforts of a team of engineers and contractors, the work was completed free of cost. That team was coordinated by a local businessman named Winston Marsden. Upon completion, Marsden met Ford, and realized that Ford was the former deputy of the Amelia County Sheriff’s Department who had rescued him from an icy creek he had been trapped in from an ATV accident 18 years before. The chance meeting and circumstances by which it occurred shows that when we make a habit of helping others, God shows up.

Helping others may seem self-evident to most Christians. But making a true habit of it, where it is our gut reaction or daily goal rather than just a yearly “To-Do” is a different matter. In Galatians, it says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Any help to others is a good thing and certainly helps, but when we live to help others, we inevitably will make positive connections and relationships in our community. An encounter formed by helping others is an encounter with God. Today, seek to be a habitual helper and not just a “when it is convenient” helper, and see the Godly relationships it yields.

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2 NIV

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