Monday, October 8th, 2018

As the newly sworn in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh takes office and the country moves forward from his long and bitter confirmation process, it is important to step back and reflect upon the events and feelings of the past few weeks. This is true whenever one chapter of our lives, or one moment of intense passion or challenge, because we often lack perspective in the heat of the battle. We do not learn and grow while running scared, fighting passionately, or acting emotionally. Perspective comes after the battle is complete and we have a moment to pray uninterrupted, for in focused prayer we assume the perspective of Christ. By focusing our mind, soul, and body on Christ, coming to Him for guidance, we naturally receive the same mindset as Him. In Philippians, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Receiving the perspective of Jesus through prayer prevents the passions of the moment from overtaking our sensibilities. Today, pray for a Christ-like perspective and pray for Jesus to continue to work upon your heart so that you may be a vessel for His good in the world.

“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” — Philippians 2:5 NIV