Elevated Friday, November 16th, 2018

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight a story of the power of breaking bread with another person. In an Indiana McDonald’s this week, an older white woman named Jan noticed a younger black man named Eric sitting alone. Since Jan was also alone, she walked up to Eric and asked if she could eat with him. Without hesitation, Eric said, “Of course!” The pair were observed by other patrons laughing and conversing over their meal like old friends. One patron snapped a picture (seen in link below) of the two and shared it. It went viral because despite the obvious differences between Eric and Jan, they appeared to be truly happy connecting with each other. The two parted ways after their meal but remain in touch and are continuing their friendship.

One of the aspects of fellowship often overlooked in our lives but talked about in the Bible is the breaking of bread. There is a reason that the Bible mentions disciples and followers of Jesus sharing meals many times. When we commit to eating a meal together, we commit to sharing more than just small talk or a quick check-in with someone. While sharing the same food and table, we are forced to dive deep into the life of that person and get to know them on a much greater level. This is where fellowship can truly begin. In Acts, it says of Jesus’ followers, “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” How many of us are guilty of only doing two of those three things? Breaking bread with another person always leads to deeper relationship, and when Jesus is present, greater fellowship. Today, reach out to someone you’d like to grow in fellowship with and invite them to share a meal with you.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” – Acts 2:42 ESV

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