Wednesday, March 20th, 2019

Opinions are a dime a dozen (these days more like a penny a dozen). If our opinions accomplished anything of value in society, then they may be viewed with more credibility; however, opinions fall short of beliefs when it comes to societal movement. Beliefs form the core tenets of our understanding of the world and shape the way we interact with it – they are formed deeper and more thoughtfully than passing opinions. After all, Jesus did not call us to hold God in popular opinion, but to believe in Him explicitly. Belief in higher callings is what has always driven society throughout history and in today’s culture, a firm belief in Jesus is the only thing that can bring about positive change for the future. The Bible tells us “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” Rather than live life as a gaudy billboard for your opinions, seek to understand God’s word more deeply as the foundation of your beliefs. Then, because of your beliefs in the greatness of the Lord to do abundantly more than any of us ever could, chase after the change you seek in Jesus’ name.

“A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” – Proverbs 18:2 ESV