Elevated Friday, May 24th, 2019

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight a story of a sharing of a burden and the relief it brought to a deserving man. Becca Bundy’s daughter was saved by a firefighter named Bill Cox three years ago when she was having a seizure. Becca was always very thankful to Bill and last year ran into him at a charity event he was bartending. However, she was struck by the shirt he was wearing that read, “My Name is Bill. I’m in end stage KIDNEY FAILURE and in need of a KIDNEY.” Because Bill had saved her daughter’s life a few years before, Becca was compelled to see if she could be a match for a kidney donation — she was! Recently she underwent surgery to give a kidney to Bill and thereby save his life. They have remained close friends and are thankful to each other for all the other has done. Because Bill was strong enough to share his burdens, God brought someone to him to help.

God works in many ways, but one of the most common is in our relationships. When we have the right relationships, based in a mutual pursuit of God, that’s when God truly changes our lives. However, to receive the help we need, we have to be open and honest with those around us. When we hold back our struggles, pains, and challenges, our Godly relationships cannot help us. The Bible tells us, “Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” God will provide the help we need when we reveal our needs to others. Today, if you are carrying a burden alone, open up to others what you are carrying and ask for help. God will provide when His name is glorified by your relationships.

“Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” — Galatians 6:2 NIV

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