Wednesday, June 19th, 2019


The political race is underway on both sides of the aisle as President Trump kicked off his campaign with a large rally last night. The next 17 months are sure to be wild with national debates springing up each and every week. With so many topics of debate, it can be hard to keep focused on what really matters: our relationship with Jesus. What makes the difference in our ability to focus is what we are reading and looking at each day because what we set our eyes on determines what we think about during the day. In Psalms, it says, “I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Be mindful of where you set your eyes, because where you routinely look will be where your feet naturally take you. Today, resolve to set your eyes only on things that improve your relationship with Jesus and turn away from those things that lead you astray.

“I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” — Psalm 16:8 NIV