Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

We all have goals and desires in life, as well as, unfortunately, biases. These things not only affect the way we act, they actually, first, affect the way we see. We are all guilty at times of seeing the world as we want to see it instead of how God created it. We are all guilty at times of seeing people through a biased lens instead of how God created them. We’re also guilty at times of not seeing what is right in front of us and instead, looking past it in favor of what we want to see. Psalm 146 says, “The Lord gives sight to the blind.” And while this is true in the physical sense, it also is true spiritually. We see the world and people differently when we know Jesus. Just like in the first verse of Amazing Grace, we have all sung “I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind, but now I see.” Thus, in order to follow Jesus, we cannot blind ourselves to the people that Jesus wants us to see. As much as the enemy wants us to stay blinded to people who are different than us, we know that Jesus gives sight to the blind. Today, pray to see the things that Jesus wants you to see.

“The Lord gives sight to the blind.” -- Psalm 146:8