Tuesday, October 4th, 2022

Sometimes we all can get lost in the magnitude of Christ’s teachings and God’s love and forget to actually apply it in our lives to those around us. We know we are loved and saved, and we rest in that fact. But do we extend that same love to others? Perhaps to some, but not to all? Paul’s letter to Philemon is a powerful lesson in this. Paul, while imprisoned, wrote to Philemon, a saved man who was a former slave owner. Paul urged him to accept a man named Onesimus as a brother in Christ, as Paul had introduced Onesimus to Christ and seen the change in him. The incredible part is this: Onesimus was a slave of Philemon’s who has escaped. Onesimus, in his fleeing, met Paul and was radically changed by the Gospel. Now, Paul was urging Philemon to accept his former slave back, not just in grace and love, but to treat him as a brother! The Book of Philemon reminds us that the love of God we receive by faith in Christ must be extended to all others who share the same faith. It is a powerful lesson for those of us who harbor ill will towards people who have wronged us in the past, or whom we have felt are beneath us because of their sin. When they come to Jesus and are born again by the Spirit, we are to view them as new creations, just as God does! Today, if there is someone who you see on social media or know in real life that has come to faith, yet you hold grudges against from past sin, forgive them as God has forgiven you in Christ. Support them in their walk with Christ. Praise the Lord for calling them out of the same darkness that you have once know and setting them on the path of freedom.

Philemon 1-25