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#ElevatedFriday, August 4th, 2017

In Shorewood, WI, a small Facebook page has actually changed lives. What started out as a page for members to buy and sell used toys and other goods morphed into a platform for good deeds after the founder, Anne Monahan, donated her earnings to a family in the group who had just received a crushing cancer diagnosis. The site is called KidsCycle, and after that one selfless gesture by Monahan, countless other members followed suit, donating money and goods, as well as purchasing items and starting large fund-raising campaigns for those in need! The site’s motto is Love + Lift, indicative of its mission. KidsCycle is summed up well by member Katherine Gerlach, “This isn’t a site to get stuff and give stuff. From the beginning, Annie [Monahan] encouraged members to support each other, be kind to one another, lift each other up, and stand strong together. If you need advice on how to potty train your child, post it. If you need advice on how to keep your romance alive, post it. If your child is sick, post it.”

Giving is a central tenet of Christian living – it is a lifestyle, not an act. In 2 Corinthians, Paul writes “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving in the 21st century has changed in many ways from what it used to be. While there are still many who give freely and cheerfully, there are also many who give as a means for fame, fortune, or covering up sin – seeking glory for themselves. There is a reason that no-strings-attached giving is stressed so frequently in the Bible – because our Father is glorified through our giving. The closest to Jesus we will ever be while on this earth is when we are living a giving life. Pray today for someone in need to appear in your life so that through your giving, Jesus can be glorified.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

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