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Tuesday, April 19th, 2022

What a day Resurrection Sunday is, and what a magnificent blessing of grace, mercy, and redemption God gave to us by the work and sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. Despite all the things we see going on in the world and the things we feel pressing against us personally, Resurrection Sunday is a powerful reminder of what is important, what lies ahead for us after this life, and how our Lord and Savior has overcome this world. Psalm 16 is a beautiful prayer written by David that encapsulates the gratefulness of a man of faith and the commitment of a man seeking after God’s purpose daily. Today, pray it to the Lord and commit to seeing His purposes, blessings, and providence in our world rather than dwelling on what seems to be out of control.

Please keep me safe, God, because I come to you for help. 2 I have said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord. All the good things that I have in my life are gifts from you.’ 3 When I think about your own people who live in this land, it makes me happy! They are truly great people! 4 But many troubles will come to people who choose to worshipother gods. I will not join with them to offer gifts of blood to their gods. I will never use the names of their gods to make promises. 5 You, Lord, are all that I need. What you give to me is enough, for me and for my descendants. 6 Yes, you have given to me a good way of life. Your gifts are better than good fields or valuable land. 7 I will praise the Lord, who is my guide through life. In the dark nights, you help me to learn what is right. 8 I will always trust the Lord to be with me. He is close beside me, so I will not be upset. 9 I am truly happy and I thank God. I know that my life is safe with God. 10 You, Lord, will not leave me in the deep hole of death. As one who belongs to you, you will not leave my body to spoilin the grave. 11 You will lead me along the path of life. Because you are with me, I am very happy. I know that I will be with you for ever, and that makes me very happy!


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