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Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

As Hurricane Dorian bears down on the US coast and leaves the Bahamas in its wake, the time for prayer is upon us. Fortunately, this storm is slow enough that people in its path have an opportunity to prepare and evacuate, but unfortunately, that same slow speed will create more destruction when it hits. Adversity in life comes in many forms, but God is with us through it all. Because God is with those who face this storm directly, the Church must be as well. As the storm rages, we must all be lifting up the people in its path in prayer and asking the Lord to protect them. Today, lift up the people of the Bahamas, Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas in prayer.

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” — Psalm 145:18 NIV

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