Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

With spring almost here, many of us are looking forward to getting out in the sun and warmth, and some are even taking a much needed vacation after the winter months. Why do we like to vacation, or at least take a break from work? Because we need rest. God created our bodies to do incredible things and the only way those things get accomplished is thru hard work. However, God knew that there is a season for everything, and man cannot remain at work forever. While physical rest can be accomplished thru vacationing or taking time off of work, often times our physical work is not the root source of our exhaustion. Often it is emotional, spiritual, or relational baggage that weighs our spirit down. In such cases, no sunny vacations can cure the soul. Psalm 62 says, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” In Jesus, we find that rest for our souls where we can unload our baggage and give it all to Him. For without rest for the soul, hope in a better future diminishes. Today, give what is weighing down your soul to Jesus, allowing Him to care for it instead of you worrying about it, and take today to rest in Him.
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.” — Psalm 62: 5 NIV