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#ElevatedFriday, June 1st, 2018

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight the heartwarming story of a team and its fans who came together to make right a wrong done to a young man with a rare genetic disorder. 27-year-old Michael Cadena of Los Angeles has been an LA Dodger fan most of his life. So much so that his favorite possession was his Dodgers hat. When bullies in a Target store shoved him around and stole his hat, the footage went viral and the fans of the Dodgers got the team’s attention. This week, the Dodgers had Michael and his family to the game as special guests. They signed autographs, took pictures, and to top it all off, Michael threw out the first pitch! It was a lifelong dream come true for Michael and turned a bad situation into one of his greatest memories.

The devil is at work around us everyday, seeking to kill, deceive, and destroy. While sometimes he succeeds, as he did with Michael in the Target store, he cannot get the last word when there are men and women of God around to make things right. In 1 Corinthians, it says, “Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” While we are here on earth, we are Christ’s earthly form, acting as his body and doing his work. To that end, the devil is defeated each time we make right his wrongs in the name of Jesus. Today, seem out opportunities to right a wrong, a hurt, or a lie that the devil has brought upon someone you know, and in the name of Jesus, work to make it right.

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” — 1 Corinthians 12:27

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