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Elevated Friday, January 24th, 2020

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight a story of a chance meeting that is only possible because of an act of God. 56-year-old Karen Harris of the UK was adopted early in life and since her 18th birthday has been searching for her birth parents. It’s been a very difficult search as she had very little to go on. She found her mother ten years after she began her search with the help of a social worker, but finding her father has proven a challenge. After decades of searching, she recently found her birth father — through Facebook’s suggested friends section. One day, he appeared in that section, and since she knew her fathers name, she acted on it. They met up and, sure enough, the man was her father! They’ve begun to build a great relationship and their meeting has proven to be a wonderful blessing. Such incredible circumstances of meeting may seem like random luck to most, but there is no such thing as luck — only God’s providence.

So much good that happens these days gets attributed to luck, as if luck were something that works within our lives. Luck has never once changed a heart, saved a life, or blessed a hurting soul — those are all things only accomplished by Jesus. What’s more, placing our faith in luck is even more fleeting and destined for ruin than placing it in the world. God’s providence is what many confuse as dumb luck. We know God is the one behind all our blessings because the Bible says, “ And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” What many consider luck is actually God acting on our behalf. Today, give thanks to God for your blessings and turn your back on the idea that luck has anything to do with them.

“ And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” — Romans 8:28 ESV

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