Tuesday, May 24th, 2022
Where we look to learn more about God and His character matters. Consider this: there’s always some celebrity or politician in the news. If we wanted to best understand them, should we turn to what others say about them, or go straight to what they say? Of course, we all know it’s better to seek out primary sources over secondary, especially secondary sources more akin to gossip. By the same logic, why do we believe what the world says about God instead of what God says? The world loves to put God in a box, limiting His power, scope, love, and grace. The world says some things are too hard, too far away, too broken, not appropriate for God to weigh in, or too beyond saving. The Bible screams just the opposite! With the Word and the Holy Spirit, He has given us what we need to draw close to Him, understand Him, know Him, love Him, and ultimately obey Him. The Bible has countless translations to help aide our understanding, but if that can still be confusing, seek out Bible commentary and teachings. When you hit a passage, verse, or even word you don’t quite grasp — study it! There is no shortage of information available at our fingertips, thus, there is no excuse to why we didn’t do whatever we could to understand God’s Word. What credit will be given at the Throne when we say we had time to Google where the best tacos in town are, but not what God meant in His Word? Today, begin a Bible study — even if it’s just one verse a day. Read it, pray on it, research it if necessary to understand it — and then act upon it. Make it a part of you as we are called to do.
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” — Joshua 1:8
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” — James 1:22