Elevated Friday, January 25th, 2019

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight a story of gratitude displayed by one of the most well-known and admired statesmen in our country today. Just yesterday, Former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell was driving in Northern Virginia when he was delayed by a flat tire. He tried to change the tire himself, but was unable to unscrew the lug nuts. A man stopped on the side of the road to help whom Powell immediately noticed had an artificial leg. The man’s name was Anthony Maggert and he had lost his leg in Afghanistan as a civilian employee. He quickly helped Powell change the tire and both were on their ways. Powell posted a picture afterwards with Maggert, saying he didn’t catch his name but wanted to thank the man who helped him. He received a complimentary message back and learned Maggert’s name. To finish his post, Powell said something we all need to hear: “Thanks, Anthony. You touched my soul and reminded me about what this country is all about and why it is so great. Let’s stop screaming at each other. Let’s just take care of each other. You made my day.”
In the mess of the government shutdown and whatever other cultural issue is raging in social media each day, when we sit behind our keyboards or stare at our TVs, it is far too easy to become jaded against “the other side.” It’s when we are purposeful in reaching out to help others that all those petty differences that seem so important while surfing the net just melt away. Jesus says in the Book of John, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” To echo the words of General Powell, let’s stop the screaming and start the caring. Today, be purposeful in your outreach to others and lend a caring hand to them.
“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12
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