Monday, August 7th, 2017
Over the weekend, a story by the New York Times made headlines, speculating that Vice President Pence was secretly positioning to run for President in 2020, challenging the re-election campaign of President Trump. Vice President Pence vehemently denied the claims of the article. This may all just be conjecture, but it does put an important Biblical quality in the news: loyalty. We all know the famous example of disloyalty in the Bible, Peter denying Jesus three times. But what famous example can we look to that exhibits the type of loyalty we are to show? Look anywhere God interacts with us. Biblical loyalty is demonstrated by Him in all He does. He doesn't use us to seek his own ends, he loves us and promises us a hope and a future. How are we to emulate that type of loyalty in our relationships with each other? We can work together to build each other up, rather than using each other for personal gain. God's grand design is predicated on us working together for good in His name. Loyalty is essential for God's plan to work. Pray today for Biblical loyalty in all of your relationships.
"Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His loving kindness to a thousandth generation with those who love Him and keep His commandments." -- Deuteronomy 7:9