Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

Tensions escalated further with North Korea, with their government issuing a statement claiming that they will now attempt to shoot down American planes during fly-overs. The media has covered this continued escalation of rhetoric breathlessly, with many reporting more from emotion than fact. When we get agitated or emotional, among the greatest causes are fear and doubt. It is a situation very similar to that in Mark 5, when Jairus, a leader at the synagogue, pleads with Jesus to save his daughter who is dying. When Jesus was still speaking, a crowd formed at Jairus' house and began murmuring amongst themselves. Full of doubt, they asked each other why Jesus even bothered to try to help, the daughter was already dead. Jesus hears them and sharply responded, "Don't be afraid; just believe." Such is the state of our nation. Fear of war, change, and people different from ourselves are the root causes of the division we currently have. Doubt that things can ever improve multiplies those fears. Just like the crowds in Jesus' time, we stoke our own fears when in reality, all we must do is believe. Real courage blossoms from real belief. Pray today for courage in the face of what may come, because Jesus is in control.
"Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe." -- Mark 5:36 NIV