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Tuesday, September 11th, 2018

Today marks the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and for many, that day still looms large in their lives. It was a day when true evil struck our entire nation and the world changed in a moment. However since that day, even though we all must take precautions in life that before 9/11 we thought frivolous, goodness and righteousness have continued to find a home in those who follow the word of God. In this pursuit, we all have a role to play in the building of a peaceful future. In Isaiah, it says, “The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.” When we work to fulfill the word of God in our own lives, righteousness follows; with righteousness comes peace. Today, remember those who gave their lives in service of others on 9/11 and pray for the strength to pursue righteousness in your own life.

“The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.” – Isaiah 32:17

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