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Monday, February 25th, 2019

There is so much pressure these days on each of us to be perfect. We see everyday our friends and family — as well as celebrities and “influencers” — on social media living the life we want for ourselves. Whether it be someone buying a house, having a baby, taking a vacation, or losing weight, there is always something we want for ourselves that we see someone else obtaining. We look at our own lives and see our own cracks and blemishes but are unable to see the same in others. The pressure to be perfect can be overwhelming and exhausting some days. None of us are perfect though, nor will any of us ever be. There has only ever been one perfect person: Jesus. Jesus taught his disciples to not seek perfection on earth but instead seek more of God’s Kingdom. He said, “But seek [God’s] kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” Stop trying to be perfect and instead, seek the only One who is. Today, if you need to take a break from social media, do so. If you need a perspective change, pick up your Bible and prayerfully ask for Jesus to change it.

“But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” — Luke 12:31 NIV

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