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Elevated Friday, September 6th, 2019

Happy Elevated Friday! Today we highlight a story of unusual kindness during the first week of school for a young high school freshman. Freshman Cale Wrenn of North Carolina is small for his age and that proved to be a challenge when starting high school this week. He was picked on and forced to eat lunch by himself during his first day of school. However, his older sister tweeted about his predicament and her tweet caught the eye of some of the seniors in the school. The next day, those seniors found Cale and showed him the kindness that he so desired. They took him around the school, introduced him to people, and ate lunch with him. The seniors truly showed what it means to be kind and for that, Cale will likely always remember them.

September is a season of starting new things – school, schedules, athletics, and sometimes even jobs. When we start new things, we often feel isolated because we are the “new kid” amongst all those who are already there. Paul and the other apostles faced this sort of isolation each time they arrived in a new city spreading the gospel and the Book of Acts chronicles many of those crusades. The Bible is not known for lengthy descriptions of people or places; for some descriptor to make its way into the Bible, it had to be extremely important. With this in mind, Acts 28 begins, “Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.” The author of Acts made sure to include how kind the islanders were in welcoming the apostles because they were truly “unusually kind.” The lesson in this is that if you want to be remembered, be “unusually kind.” Today, show unusual kindness to someone and make it a part of your personality to always do so.

“Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.” – Acts 28: 1-2

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